Product no: 110301/110351
Description: PreTect SEE is a real-time nucleic acid amplification-based (NASBA) qualitative assay for specific genotyping of E6/E7 mRNA from HPV 16, HPV 18 and HPV 45, including Intrinsic sample control (ISC).
Product no: 110101
Description: PreTect HPV-Proofer is a real-time nucleic acid amplification-based (NASBA) qualitative assay for specific genotyping of E6/E7 mRNA from HPV 16, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 33 and HPV 45, including Intrinsic sample control (ISC).
Product no: 110201
Description: PreTect HPV-Proofer HV is a real-time nucleic acid amplification-based (NASBA) qualitative assay for specific genotyping of E6/E7 mRNA from HPV 16, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 33 and HPV 45, including Intrinsic sample control (ISC).
Product no: 110401/110451
Description: PreTect HPV-Proofer`7 is a real-time nucleic acid amplification-based (NASBA) qualitative assay for specific genotyping of E6/E7 mRNA from HPV 16, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 33, HPV 45, HPV 52 and HPV 58, including Intrinsic sample control (ISC).
Product no: 111001 (96 isolations), 111002 (960 isolations), 111004 (bulk orders)
Description: PreTect X is based on Boom’s technology. These kits are intended for the isolation (purification and concentration) of total nucleic acids (RNA/DNA) from biological specimens prior to downstream amplification analysis. (Validated with PreTect SEE and PreTect HPV-Proofer line products).
Product no: 111003 (500 isolations)
Description: PreTect X Lysis Buffer is based on Boom’s technology. It is designed to lyse cells in order to release total DNA/RNA prior to isolation (purification and concentration) with PreTect X. The eluate is then ready for downstream amplification analysis. (Validated with PreTect SEE and PreTect HPV-Proofer line products).
Product no: 400901/400201
Description: PreTect TM is a methanol based transport medium for preservation of mRNA in cytological samples, designed for use with the diagnostic tests PreTect SEE and PreTect HPV-Proofer.
Sample collection
XytoTest by Mel-Mont Medical
Product no: MMM
Description: Self-sampling device for collection of cervical material to be analysed with PreTect SEE and PreTect HPV-Proofer.